Pass Honey Company LLC



Pass Honey Company LLC is a thriving honey farm nestled in the charming city of Banning, CA. With over two decades of experience in the industry, we have become experts in the art of pollination and honey production. Our passionate team is dedicated to maintaining healthy bee populations and ensuring the highest quality raw honey for our customers. In addition to our pollination services, we take great pride in our delicious, organic honey. Harvested from our own hives, our honey embodies the rich flavors and distinct characteristics of the local flora. Whether you’re a farmer in need of pollination services or a honey lover seeking the finest golden nectar, we are your trusted partner. To learn more about our services, contact us today!



With qualified and experienced staff, you know we can be trusted to deliver.


Organic Honey

At Pass Honey Company LLC, our organic honey stands as a testament to nature's purity. Every drop is harvested from bees that forage in organically cultivated fields, untouched by synthetic chemicals or pesticides. This sweet nectar not only boasts of a rich, full-bodied flavor but also the assurance of nature's integrity in every spoonful.

Wildflower Honey

Wild at heart, our wildflower honey is a beautiful melange of nature's bounty. Sourced from bees that collect nectar from a diverse array of wildflowers, this honey varietal showcases a unique taste profile that dances between floral undertones and a delightful sweetness. It's nature's symphony bottled just for you by Pass Honey Company LLC.


Nature's cycle is intricate, and at Pass Honey Company LLC, we're honored to play a role in it with our pollination services. Enabling crops to thrive and ensuring biodiversity, our healthy and vibrant bee colonies are available to support farmers and cultivators in their pursuit of abundant yields and blossoming gardens.

Raw Honey

Experience honey in its purest form with Pass Honey Company LLC's raw honey. Directly extracted from the hive and bottled without any heating or processing, this honey retains all its natural enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. It's a raw, unfiltered connection to the heart of nature, bringing wholesome sweetness to your table.

Nucleus Colonies

Dive into the buzzing world of beekeeping with Pass Honey Company LLC's premium Nucleus Colonies. Hand-selected for health and vitality, each of our nucleus colonies offers a thriving queen, worker bees, and the initial stages of honey and brood. Ideal for beginners and seasoned beekeepers alike, our nucleus sets the foundation for a prosperous beekeeping journey, ensuring an effortless transition into a full-fledged hive.

Double Deep Hives

Upgrade your beekeeping endeavors with Pass Honey Company LLC's Double Deep Hives. Crafted with precision and care, our double deep hives offer unparalleled space for bee colonies to flourish, providing ample room for honey storage, brood rearing, and expansion. Built for durability and designed for optimal bee health, these hives are a testament to our commitment to quality, serving as a steadfast home for your industrious bees throughout the seasons.

Bee Removal

At Pass Honey Company LLC, we pride ourselves on offering a safe, humane, and effective bee removal service. Recognizing the essential role bees play in our environment, our trained specialists employ environmentally-friendly techniques to ensure the bees are not harmed and can continue their vital work in a more suitable location. Whether you're dealing with a small swarm or a larger hive, our team ensures prompt and professional service, giving you peace of mind while safeguarding our precious pollinators.